France (French: La France, officially: The French Republic, La République Française), is a
democratic republic with a president in front. The country has since the start of the EU been an active member of the european cooperation,
and is with its approximately 67 million inhabitants (2014) the next largest member. The country is a member of G8 and NATO and is one of the five countries
in the world with a permanent place in the Security Council of FN.
Legislature: The parliament (Le parlement), which consists of the House of Lords (Le Sénat) and the Lower House (Assemblée Nationale).
Area: 674.843 km2.
Inhabitants: Appr. 67 millions (120 per km2).
GDP: Appr. 2.7 trillions USD.
France is divided into 13 regions in the european part of France. Before the first of January 2016 there were 22 regions. Each region is divided into departements (départements).
Each department has a capital (Prèfecture), where the local council is placed.
France have 5 overseas regions, which are former colonies.