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Nouns Print this page:
Nouns normally is feminine when the word describes a female creation, and as a main rule, when the word is ending on an e.
All words ending on tion are feminine. Ex: la femme, la reception.
Nouns ending on -ance, -ence, -ée, -eur, -ion, -son, -con, -esse, -tie, -ure, -té and -teau and names of fruits are feminine.
Nouns normally is masculine when the word describes a male creation, and as a main rule, when the word is ending on a consonant. Eks: le garçon
But there are a number of exceptions. Ex: un probleme
Nouns ending on -ment, -age, -al, -isme and -teau are masculine .
Weekdays, months, the seasons and names of trees and metals are masculine.
Some occupations only occur in masculine: Ex: agent (de police), chasseur, chef, écrivain/auteur, ingénieur, médecin, docteur, metteur-en-scène, professeur, voyageur. If you want to state that the person is a woman: un professeur femme, un écrivain femme.
Loanwords and unknown nouns are masculine. Ex: le Tivoli, le weekend.
A number of nouns are similar in box sexes:
Ex: célibataire, locataire, propriétaire, secrétaire, socialiste, artiste, égoïste, raciste, socialiste, touriste, adulte, concierge, interprète, ministre, philosophe, poète, bébé, élève, enfant, gosse.
Feminine: definite: la, indefinite: une. Plural definite and indefinite: des
Masculine: definite: le, indefinite un. Plural definite and indefinite: les

le and la becomes l' in front of a vowel
à + le are contracted to au
à + les are contracted to aux
de + le are contracted to du
de + les are contracted to des
The sharing article:
When speaking of an indefinite amount, the sharing article is placed before the noun.
Feminine, singular: de la, de l'.
Masculine, singular: du, de l'.
Plural, feminine and masculine: des.
Genitive is created with the preposition de. Ex: le journal de Pierre. le journal de la mère, le journal du père
Plural is formed by adding an s to the nouns of both sexes. The s is normally not pronounced. Ex: le garçon, les garçons
The suffix -al becomes in plural to -aux. Ex: le journal, les journaux
Nouns ending on -au, -eu og -ou are in plural added an -x. Ex: le chapeau - les chapeaux, le cheveu - les cheveux, le genou - les genoux